Feed Me Fuel Me With Jeff Thornton & Mycal Anders

EP.132 | Kevin Donahue - What Is Alpha?



What do you think when you hear the word "ALPHA"? What does it mean to be masculine? Can feminine be truly defined? As we dive in with Kevin Donahue (@donahuekm), founder of Surf & Serve (@surf_and_serve) and serial entrepreneur, he has found his gift in people. His mission is to serve. As he quoted Dan Sullivan, creator of Strategic Coach (@strategic.coach), "people are helium distributors, and others in the world are balloons. The more helium we put into each other's balloons, the higher we all go." This is the thesis of Kevin's abundance mentality! Within that conversation of abundance, Kevin is putting the false narrative surrounding masculinity and femininity on blast. His initiative is to enforce what it means to be a strong man alongside a strong woman, and vice versa. The western world has confused what it is to truly support one another and acknowledge what roles we play within our relationship constructs. We are not playing the game of opposition, rather one of synergy. Much like the yin and yan