Shattered Conception

9. Dream Music Therapy with Music Composer and Psychologist Dr. Michael R. Mollura



My guest on Shattered Conception is licensed Clinical Psychologist and music composer, Dr. Michael Mollura with a private practice in Beverly Hills. Dr. Mollura is the creator of Dream Music Therapy. Dream Music Therapy is based on the foundations of Dr. Carl G. Jung and James Hillman. Dr. Michael Mollura composes music to the actual dream reports of his patients as a way of accessing unconscious material to provide healing pathways on neurological, quantum, and collective levels. His music helps heal and bring relief to trauma, emotional conflict in the unconscious mind, and provide answers to confusing and distressing nightmares and dreams. His work is the first of its kind and exemplifies the healing powers of creativity in a clinical setting.The dream music therapy draws a bridge between Dr. Mollura’s work as a music composer and as a clinician.  As a feature film music composer, Michael Mollura is known for his recent score for the documentary film HEAL directed by Kelly Noonan, which is currently the #1