Mir Podcast

MIR #4 with Jane Roberts - The Power of the Feminine



In the fourth episode of the MIR Podcast, MIR15 editor Lauren Miller talks to author Jane Roberts about her story "Our Lady the Sheela Na Gig." They discuss what inspired the story, Jane's writing background and they get to the bottom of exactly what a Sheela Na Gig actually is. Jane also gives her book recommendations.  Show Notes: Jane's Website A Sheela Na Gig 'The Bloody Chamber' by Angela Carter Ali Smith Litro High Spirits: A Round of Drinking Stories Jane Roberts is a freelance writer living on the Shropshire/Welsh border. Her fiction has featured in a variety of anthologies and journals including: Litro, Bare Fiction Magazine, The Lonely Crowd, Wales Arts Review, LossLit Magazine, Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine, The Nottingham Review, NFFD Anthologies, 100 Stories for Haiti, New Sun Rising: Stories for Japan, The Refugees Welcome Anthology, Stories for Homes, Unthology 9, Retreat West’s Nothing Is As It Was, The Mechanics’ Institute Review 15, and Valley Press’ High Spirits: