Tete & Espresso

Beware of your mental state - Life sucks - My life sucks - "Tribal Leadership."



Suicide and group violence is where these 2 stages call home..Welcome to TeTe & Espresso, a  CastBox original, I’m TeTe. This book, “Tribal Leadership” is awesome ...There are 5 stages.... Stage 1 and 2, refers to the language we say out loud, which is an outer example of what the inner mind is thinking, feeling, and being aware of, that we use...And if we listen we can know where a person is in their lives. We have full faith in them. We know, that they can graduate up to stage 3...The book says that it takes 90 days to move from one stage to another. Knowing is not judging. It’s identifying so we can simple say...”Life does’t suck, your life sucks right now.... It doesn’t seem like much of a mental change, but it is.  90 days is a short amount of time to increase your happiness and peace...There is that one little rule though... You must want to change every day for 90 days. Doing the self forgiveness, reading the books, trying to meditate, finding a new group of people you are around, dealing