
S2EP11 - 22 October 2018 - And Then You Were Gone



There is no photographic evidence of us together; you didn’t bother with the father-daughter bonding this time. You didn’t stay in my life long enough to form any type of bond. Our family of four (soon to be five, with Mum heavily pregnant) shared the winter of 1965. And then you were gone. And Then You Were Gone by Simone Bowers Whoever said that all children need a mother and a father has never suffered parental rejection. It's not until we sit down to write about an event in our past that the truth comes hurtling at us from out of nowhere. That's what happened when I decided to write about the day my father came to visit. I was five. Simone Bowers decided to pursue her love of words at the age of 52 and has just completed a two-year writing course. She describes herself as an unpublished 'emerging writer'. And Then You Were Gone is read by Petra Glieson.   Acknowledgements: Memoria is written,  produced, edited and presented by Nat V. Simone Bower's short story, And Then Y