
S01EP4 - 13 June 2017 - And the winner is - Memoria Podcast



There are numerous famous stories depicting sibling rivalry. The Biblical story of Cain and Abel, Ann and Mary Boleyn who fought over King Henry 8ths affections and of course the most famous Hollywood rivalry, Joan fontaine and Olivia de Havilland, with Joan famously saying, “She will be jealous if she dies before me”. And that, Joan did.   It has been said that competition for a parent’s affection is steeped in competition for resources.Behaviourists have found that we share strong links between animals when it comes to sibling rivalry. This is evident in the animal kingdom, where the strongest sibling is known to kill their weaker brother or sister to gain resources such as food.    The fallout from a broken sibling relationship can be devastating, and awkward. When ties break, the animosity hangs in the air, each too proud to admit the other was wrong. Or maybe, the relationship is best left severed. I know because it happened to me. In any family, if you begin to scratch t