
S01EP3 - 29 May 2017 - Black - Memoria Podcast



"Black is a personal short story which attempts to capture my thoughts and feelings about depression. The story is a creative way to express my experience of depression and how it is all consuming and overrides rational thinking." – Jen Farrow. Black was written and produced by Jen Farrow.  The story was performed by Jen Farrow and Amitoze Nandha. Acknowledgements: This episode was written and produced by Nat V. Black was written and produced by Jen Farrow with performances by Jen Farrow and Amitoze Nandha. Music in this episode, "Waves" by Dana Boule. Illustrations by Peta Manning. Her book, See Me Doodle, is out now. Sound effects used in this episode by: Robinhood76  Speedenza  Jhumbucker  Cell31_Sound_Productions   Scotchio Morganveilleux  Sculptor  AlienXXX  KMoon  Gkillhour  Jakobthiesen  Jakobthiesen  Stephan  Support the show.