Promedia Podcast

Promedia Podcast Episode 003



Hi there and welcome to episode 3 of the Promedia Podcast; I’ve included another 3 songs for your listening pleasure; I was actually thinking about including some of my early material, we’re talking 1990 onwards; I have to warn you some of the recording techniques were not particularly stellar but I just about managed to capture the essence of the songs. So what do you think; would you like to hear some ‘retro’ stuff too? Track 1 is called ‘Propaganda’, I have no idea why I picked the name other than the intro sounded somehow political, and there was also a German 80s band of the same name I liked too. The song was originally created for Media Tracks library CD; I was commissioned to create 2 tracks so I created 3 (just to be on the safe side). The intro is very orchestral, or as orchestral as I could get with the kit I had. After the intro the song morphs into a funky dance track with orchestral strings featuring prominently throughout (orchestral strings were part of my brief when composing the song). Tra