Intuitive Guidance Psychic Podcast

Intuitive Guidance - December 19 2009



December 19 Podcast: * Winter Solstice / Capricorn / Queen of Pentacles - * Reading for Karen - * Upcoming Psychic Events - - Holiday Spirit Gathering / NYC event (Dec. 20); - N.Y. Edgar Cayce Center Holistic-Psychic Fair (Jan. 9); - Behind the Scenes: Understanding Your Karmic History (Feb. 6); * Reading for MS - * 2010 Personal Forecast Readings - * Emotional Sensitivity - ~*~ MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR WITH LOVE AND BLESSINGS FROM DANA MARIE AND FAMILY! MAY YOUR HOLIDAYS BE FILLED WITH LIGHT, JOY AND LAUGHTER! ~*~ Connect with Dana on Facebook & Twitter @ dana333444 for latest news and updates! Interested in a private reading? Visit!