Feed Me Fuel Me With Jeff Thornton & Mycal Anders

EP.138 | Justin Maxim - It's All About The Journey



This week, we ride the ride with Justin Maxim (@justin__maxim), our videographer, founder of JMAX Media (@jmaxmediallc) and partner in VaporSwift Media (@vaporswift_media). A low-key clairvoyant, Justin has consciously and unconsciously followed his intuition from driving a mail truck in the cold winters of Akron, OH to the arid heat of Scottsdale, AZ. Justin came to the conclusion early on, that being miserable wasn't worth the money.  This philosophy lead him to a period of giving. Giving so much, that he had no car and walked a couple miles back and forth to CrossFit PHX, where he offered media services in trade for a membership while moonlighting as a bartender, Ubering back and forth to work. His giving intuition eventually paid off not only in being immersed in the conversation of happiness, fulfillment, and success via our podcast, but also clarity on his path for media and video. His quest, putting his happiness first, lead him away from the bar in full control of his professional destiny! Listen up.