Ministry Of The Watchman Intl.

The World is Ripe to Harvest!



We cannot allow ourselves to be discouraged or hard-hearted about the conditions in the World. Jesus has sent us out to preach the Good News of the Gospel to all the world. The Gospel of Jesus Christ IS THE Power of God unto salvation for all who believe. We have been given the answer that the World needs. Not only have we been commissioned to preach the Gospel, but the Lord as promised to work with us, and confirm the Word of the gospel with signs following. These signs include healing the sick, casting out devils, and authority over death. We must be bold in our faith in Jesus that He will confirm the Word ministered in faith. We are witnesses of His goodness and His saving grace. Our testimony provides evidence that He is alive. God desires that we stir ourselves in the confidence in Him, and faith to see people hungry for Him - a field ripe for harvesting.