Team Shelby Racing Show

Around The World With Ray episode #3 Upcoming Tura Satana documentary movie



Ray bring's Siouxzan Perry & Helen Macfarlane from and Join them as they discuss in detail about the documentary being made about Tura Satana. as well as are 2 of their sites where you can see some of thier work and events.   TURA SATANA  the name, the brand, the legend, the icon. All merchandising rights, licensing rights and trademark licenses can be found here. Please ask us before producing anything on your own. A Little bit about Tura Satana Productions... This company was formed to ensure the credibility, quality, respect and attention to detail that Tura always demanded. We will not be compromised. A little bit about Siouxzan Perry... Siouxzan is a successful producer/promoter whose accomplishments range from the production of the Russ Meyer classic, Beyond The Valley of the Dolls Fox DVD box set release and subsequent tour in 2006 to the now-popular Weekend At Sinatra’s event series in Palm Sp