The Tazz And Paula Show

INterview with Robbyne Laplant



  Today Thursday November 10, at 12:16 PM PST, the Moon will come to fullness in Taurus. A beautiful time to do a fire ceremony and honor our Mother the Earth, the divine feminine and co-create abundance in our lives..The veil is definitely thinning. We are accessing subtle levels of information that never were available to us, leading to profound healing and a deeper understanding of our divinity as it informs our humanity.   Robbyne La Plant … is the founder of White Wolf Journeys, an enterprise specializing in creating transformational experiences to sacred sites around the world and inner journeys of self discovery at home and abroad.  Following the path of the Ancestors, Robbyne has been able to immerse herself in indigenous cultures around the world experiencing ritual and ceremony to both honor and connect to the divine only to discover there is a universal desire amongst all people to experience and express love.