"house Talk" W/dr. Lauren D Pitts

HOUSE TALK w/Dr. Lauren D. Pitts RESET



Join us this Thursday August 30, 2018 from 9 – 9:30 pm on HOUSE TALK w/Dr. Lauren D. Pitts as we hit the reset button and begin our dive into culturally competent, socially-just individual and family dynamics both immediate and extended and the related influence on the issues eroding the fiber of our families, homes and communities. HOUSE TALK is education, empowerment and liberation for you our diverse audience across myriad communities. You don’t want to miss it!!!   Lasting change is difficult: Many of our habits are deeply ingrained, and certain core personality attributes may be immutable. Hit the reset button in your life and let the light shine in by stepping back from any old ways of doing things, adopt a healthier mindset and embrace the authenticity of who you are with all your wonderful, beautiful, perfect imperfections. It’s not what happens to you in life that dictates your success or failure, it’s your response to it. It's never too late to change; with effort and determination, it is possible