Interior Voices

Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day



In Episode 12, the team celebrates National Indigenous Peoples’ Day and talks with Andrew Pattison, Corporate Director for Support Services, Dietitian Megan Dark; and Donna Koenig, Manager for Support Services in Oliver and Osoyoos about the role of traditional foods in the celebration as well as work underway to incorporate traditional and traditional-inspired foods throughout the year. Episode 12: Resources Indigenous Peoples Day 130 Ways to Celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day (FNHA) Photo album from Interior region celebrations Photo album from Traditional Foods Pilot Project at Deni House Full interview with Andrew Pattison Full interview with Megan Dark Full interview with Donna Koenig   Miichim (Documentary Short) 'Food is medicine': Sioux Lookout hospital program (CBC article) Nourish Food for Health Symposium