Conversations With Dray

Older Fathers in Society



Older father's in society For years society has told women that  their clock is running out or you better have that baby now because you're not getting any younger .  But many men have heard from other men saying you not missing anything and ooh it's stressful and the the  cost to support a child is overwhelming. Now that I was in my late 30's when I had my first son and in my 40s when I had my second son, however, I was 19 when I had my first child so I have seen it from both sides.  Here is my take on older fathers in this episode of "Conversations with Dray." Older Dads Are More Common Than Ever Before By AMANDA MACMILLAN August 31, 2017,  NBC News - 7 Surprising Benefits of Being Older Parent by Vivian Manning-Schaffel The Unique Pros and Cons of Being An Older Dad By Corey Levitan   https://www.fatherl