Suspense Radio

Beyond the Cover with special guest Gabriela Pereira



Gabriela Pereira:  Instigator and Creative Director Gabriela Pereira earned her MFA from The New School, in New York. While undercover as a graduate student, she learned the inside scoop on MFA programs, invented a slew of writing tools all her own, and developed a new, more effective way for writers to learn their craft. Now she wants to share this discovery and help writers around the world get the “knowledge without the college.” In a past life, Gabriela worked in the toy industry, creating educational activities and games for toddlers, pre-schoolers, and tweens. After that, she taught several writing courses in New York City at organizations like: 826NYC, Everybody Wins, EHTP, and a local writing workshop she built from the ground up. While Gabriela now teaches exclusively at DIY MFA, she continues to speak and lead workshops at national and international writing conferences, both online and off. Her favorite thing to do is come up with new dastardly plans and innovative resources for DIY MFA. When sh