Witch School

Walking the Unnamed Path Episode 51: Review UP Ep on Gender, Polarity and Magic



Michael Greywolf and Mathew Sydney host Walking the Unnamed Path. Walking the Unnamed Path is a podcast dedicated to delving deeper into the study of the Unnamed Path through conversations with other Brother Initiates and students. We will also cover a variety of ideas and issues pertaining to queer pagan men in general. Tonight we are continuing our series where we reveiw some of the original Unnamed Path Podcat episodes. For tonight's discussion we are going to be looking at Episode 52: Polarity, Gender and Magic. If you would like to join the conversation in any way please either email us before the show at walkingtheunnamedpath@gmail.com or dialing in during the show at 347-308-8222. To get in touch with Mathew or Michael please email us at WalkingtheUnnamedPath@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter at @Walking_theUP, and like our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/WalkingTheUnnamedPath/.