Literary Speaking

Mothers, Monsters & Memoir with Beth Schulman



Beth Schulman and host, Crystal-lee Quibell discuss Mothers, Monsters & Memoir, writing about childhood trauma, coming to a place of empathy for those that have hurt us, and the power of sharing your story with the world. Beth Schulman McGonagle is a teacher and writer. Beth has devoted her life’s work to creating supportive, creative and literacy rich learning environments for young children. She works with The Penn Literacy Network (PLN) as an instructor and literacy coach. Crystal-Lee Quibell is the host of Literary Speaking, a weekly podcast dedicated to helping writers learn from best-selling authors, literary agents, and publishers. Founder of The Magical Writers Group, a private teaching forum for writers specifically focused on memoir. She is a champion for the written word, student of publishing and an obsessive book collector with a serious case of wanderlust. A self-described mermaid and witchy woman for life, she believes that life is better with books, chocolate, and the occasional cheese b