Literary Speaking

Writing & Pitching Freelance Articles with Jessica Strawser



Jessica Strawser, editor of Writer’s Digest, and Crystal-Lee Quibell will discuss writing and pitching your freelance articles to popular publications. Jessica shares tips on how to approach an editor, what you need to know before submitting your article for review, and how to secure a long-term freelance position with them. Jessica Strawser is the chief editor of Writer’s Digest magazine, North America’s leading publication for aspiring and working writers since 1920. Her own debut novel, ALMOST MISSED YOU, is forthcoming from St. Martin’s Press in April 2017. Crystal-Lee Quibell is the host of Literary Speaking, a weekly podcast dedicated to helping writers learn from best-selling authors, literary agents, and publishers. Founder of The Magical Writers Group, a private teaching forum for writers specifically focused on memoir. She is a champion for the written word, student of publishing and an obsessive book collector with a serious case of wanderlust. A self-described mermaid and witchy woman for life,