The Wade Alters Show

110. This Habit Supercharges Your Productivity



Is someone an addict if they’re a work-a-holic? Because when it comes to a few of my coaching clients, they always feel like there’s MORE to be done - so they *think* stepping away from work is a waste of time. (These are entrepreneurs & professionals making millions or make at least 6-figures). I have to almost SHAME them into getting exercise. I secretly manipulate them with NLP tactics lol. You have to be willing to do what’s best for people - even if they’re against it. It’s kind of like stopping an addict from doing drugs… I step in like their parent (authority), and tell them it’s for their own good. Because IT IS. It doesn’t matter how much money you have if you’re lying in a hospital bed and can’t move. (Caveat: You need money to pay for hospital bills). But the extra million or $100K people sacrifice for is useless. That’s what lifestyle development is about… being your best self. In ALL areas of your life. I can’t believe how simple Phil Knight’s (Nike Founder & CEO) strategy was for dealing