Feed Me Fuel Me With Jeff Thornton & Mycal Anders

EP.145 | Tayne Griffin - Her Soul Story



Add another badass woman to the list of Feed Me Fuel Me (@feedmefuelme) guests as we sit down with co-founder of Her Soul Story (@her_soulstory), Tayne Griffin (@taynegriffin). She comes from the world of medical sales but found her passion amidst her own personal growth and development in the wake of losing everything in the recession. Tayne and her family had to give up their home and move into a friend's spare bedroom for months while they picked up the pieces. Through the process of losing it all, Tayne began to manifest and visualize what it would be like to have it all back. In doing so, she developed the strength to fight for what was hers; inevitably getting it all back. She doubled down on manifestation and now speaks to women that feel stuck, in their own way, inhibited by inexplainable obstacles. Her Soul Story is a platform for growth and awareness where Tayne is able to inspire others to live in their light, express their truth, and acknowledge the things holding them back while breaking through