Crown On

The Crowning of Nuestra Belleza Latina 2018



Join us as we are backstage immediately after the crowning of Nuestra Belleza Latina’s winner is announced. We continue with our special edition of Crown On and reminisce on this season with the host Alejandra Espinoza as she talks about her journey being the first NBL queen to now host the show. The judges, Jomari Goyso, El Dasa, Denise Bidot and Giselle Blondet share their perspective on this season, as they were asked to break with the old image of the beauty queen contestant. Did they achieve their mission to break the stereotypical profile of today’s beauty competition? We end the night with Nuestra Belleza Latina’s 2018 winner, Migbelis Castellanos, the first Venezuelan winner in the show’s history. She opens up to Aleyda and Vanessa to tells us how this magical night has transformed her life and how she is looking forward to this new adventure as Nuestra Belleza Latina’s eleventh reigning queen. Audio Engineer/Post Editor: Cesar Haliwa(Chaliwa Music & Sound)Facebook: @