Crown On

Cyber Monday and Nuestra Belleza Latina Semi Finals Guests: Nancy Alejandre (Nancy_alejandre), Massiel Montilla (@massyschannel), former NBL contestants, Yaritza Owens (Yaritza_Owen), Migbelis Castellanos (@milynette), Ceylin Rosario(@Ceylinr) Finalists i



On this Cyber Monday, Crown On is packed! We talk about some of the unique Apps to find those special Christmas gifts. We are joined by the two girls eliminated in Nuestra Belleza Latina. Nancy Alejandre and Massiel Montilla talked about their experience in the competition, how it impacted their lives, who they think is going to win and what their plans are now that they are no longer on the show. Anita Alvarado (@lipstickfables), social influencer and Nuestra Belleza Latina’s social embassador, joined us as well and gave us her perspective on the competition having followed the show since the beginning. She tells us who her favorite contest is and why.  To close off the show we were visited by the three finalists of the beauty reality. In their last week of competition and before the winner is announced next week, they talk to us about their feelings, what they have learned and send a special message to all their followers. Only one will remain the winner. Will it be Y