Shattered Conception

24. Bereaved Mother and Psychic Medium Kathleen Hoy



My guest is Kathleen Hoy. Kathleen is a Psychic Medium - she is clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient. She can see visions, hear guidance and sense and retrieve information from people who have died, and are living, as well as information from houses, public buildings and outside areas. Kathleen discovered her gifts after the death of her daughter, Samantha, at the age of 22 to cystic fibrosis. Her own experience with the death of her child and journey towards embracing her new purpose and gifts is what enables Kathleen to guide and validate grieving parents, not only in finding their own meaning around the death of a loved one but also comfort. With her deep compassion, gift of connection and channeling, and broad knowledge of energetic healing practices, Kathleen offers people the space and tools they need to move forward in their healing with practical steps and gentle insight. How to reach Kathleen Hoy:  Email: or 215.813.4225 Kathleen will give $25 off h