Abundant Intuitive Podcast

Weekly Energy Check In for 8/11/2019



Weekly Energy Check-In for 8/11/2019. Major Timeline split. (Watch my Timeline Shift video here: https://youtu.be/YurRt81D-TY) Detailed explanation on how to use Consciousness Mechanics to choose a Higher Timeline before this massive shift coming between now and 9/19/2019. What if you could learn the new Consciousness Mechanics that would allow you to practically apply the rules of engagement and constructs of 5D consciousness in your life NOW? What if you said YES! to shedding everything that you ARE NOT and started becoming the highest ideal version of you now? How would it feel to remove the overlay of the ego filter of self that makes you feel as if you have to "reconnect" with your higher self and highest ideal of you? You ARE ALWAYS connected to your Higher Aspect. You don't need to Go BACK there. You simply ALIGN your vibration there. What if you lived everyday in conscious alignment with THAT WHICH YOU ARE-- your Omega Point of Consciousness-- so you could think, feel and act from the highest level p