Random Thoughts With Nicole L. Turner

Half Love is not Healthy



The only thing worse than loving someone who doesn't love you is loving someone who loves you, but doesn't know how to show you love.  You stay and wait because you see potential, you see what’s inside, you see what could be once you shatter all the walls so they can let you in. But they won’t let you in because they don’t have room for you, they won’t let you in because that means they have to share the deepest parts of themselves and that’s not something they know how to do. When you love someone who doesn’t know how to love, you eventually forget what love is or how it feels, you begin to love poorly, selfishly, you become stingy with your heart.  When you fall for someone who doesn’t know how to love, you forget that someone out there knows how, you forget that you could find someone who reinforces everything you believe about love instead of challenging it and you forget that someone out there wants to love you — not break you. Signs of a healthy relationship.  You admire your partner for who he or she i