Unasleep Audio (official)

Waving Goodbye to Waves and Particles as Separate Things



Hurry! Get your nails and cross and get in line quickly if you want a good spot for what may come down to my crucifixion by the scientific community (among others) as I dare to challenge the Double Slit Experiment, as well as the accepted theories behind particles and waves. :-) In the Double Slit Experiment, it doesn't seem to me that the multiple bands that occur for waves have occurred because the wave is somehow interfering with itself, and canceling out portions. I think instead we are being shown the most simple and direct answer but the answer is being misinterpreted: These multiple bands are showing the multiple and yet undetermined potential - the fluid, non-specific and non-localized behavior we choose to label as wave. It's saying "I am demonstrating to you that I'm not just 'here'. I am here. And here. And here. And here." Something like that. But a wave isn't "something" - rather, a wave is a behavior, a potential expression of being, as is a particle. And both wave behavior and partic