Unasleep Audio (official)

Seeds of Truth (Walk With Me Series)



Read This.... I came across this decomposing cucumber as I was walking across my yard one day. It had been overlooked in my garden - hidden under some leaves, and gotten past its prime, becoming soft, and yellow, and nibbled on by insects. So, it was tossed into the yard, to be enjoyed by whoever wanted to continue to nibble on it, and it was thought of no more. Who knew it would have such a surprising and deep message to share.....This video is along the lines of Jesus' wisdom saying in the Gospel of Thomas: "If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not have within you will destroy you." Deep, huh? (You can read The Gospel of Thomas here: http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/gosthom.html ) I hope you enjoy. Note: Adding the characters &fmt=18 directly behind the URL may improve the video quality a little Seeds of Truth This once pristine cucumber lay decomposing in my yard never weeping at it's condition never claim