Unasleep Audio (official)

BUTTERFLY (Walk With Me Series)



Read This ..... A beautiful black butterfly joined me on my walk, with an equally beautiful message to share. I hope you enjoy. (Note: Adding the characters &fmt=18 directly behind the URL may improved video quality a little) Butterfly The Truth is like a butterfly beautiful and elusive We stumble after it with clumsy, childlike steps chasing it relentlessly but never truly drawing one step closer though we think we are about to capture it time and time again it always eludes us and remains heartbreakingly out of reach Until the day we stop chasing it not giving up not walking away not losing our desire to know we simply see what we are doing isn't working and finally we stop in our tracks and just observe and suddenly to our complete surprise we are amazed as it appears unannounced it is suddenly right beside us as though it had been there the entire time and we see it's beauty and wisdom and things words cannot convey It is a mystery to us no longer and with eyes that are now able to see we easily obs