Peter Stanway's Podcast

Episode 57 - Tommy's Poem



Trainees Poems One of the Five Elements in The Way Christian Ministries’ Training for Life course ( aims to release the creativity from within us. It was placed there when God made us in His own image. Three trainees, Jim, his wife June and Tommy all tried their hand at writing poetry. Here’s Tommy's Poem SPIRITUAL BAPTISM ‘Get up aff yer bum. I want ye tae come, If ye want tae get baptised in the Holy Spirit.’ So ah donnered oan doon, Tae be prayed o’er wi’ strange words, That to many could seem so absurd. A whoosh of light, knocked me ontae the flair, As I realised I wis nae longer there. Just like ‘beam me iup Scotty’, Ah felt masel gaun, Surrounded by light, who knows where? All aroon me wis light, So peaceful and bright, And a sense of a presence divine. My mooth rattled oot a few thousand or mair words, As I floated in this light like the burds. Mair than words kin say, I know I wis there that day, With God in his Hame in Heaven, Whit a strange feeling! Whit a sen