Seika Network

Violet ReikiRadio - Guest Frans Stiene of The International House of Reiki



I am so honored and delighted to have back here on Violet ReikiRadio for the second time as my special guest, Frans Stiene of The International House of Reiki.  I came to know of Frans and Bronwen Stiene early on in my reiki practice and love them both and their teachings.  They have done remarkable work bringing true reiki to the world and are making wonderful strides in reiki globally.  I was fortunate enough to experience a reiki session from Frans in NYC badk in October of 2010.  In a word...marvelous! I also enjoyed being in Frans' company in 2012 during the NYC Reiki Conference.  Frans Stiene's practical understanding of the Japanese influences on the system have allowed students around the world to connect deeply with this practise. Frans is a co-founder of the International House of Reiki. He is also the co-author of the critically acclaimed books The Reiki Sourcebook, The contents of what Frans teaches is formed by what has been practised in Japan since the early 1900s, long before the system of