Seika Network

KIM Talk Radio: Yes! REALLY! Trust your gut!



We all know the expression “trust your gut” and today we will talk about what this means in the practice.  Energy centers, called chakras, are throughout our bodies with seven main ones running up the spine.  Knowing how to move and feed our bodies, and well as listen to the signs of needed attention, help us continuously balance all of our systems (immune, endocrine, nervous, etc.). Bringing our attention to our bodies from the solar plexus down to our toes (1st-3rd chakra) allows for a grounded, clean, healthy body that is centered in personal power.  We all know the expression “trust your gut” and today we will talk about what this means in the practice.  Energy centers, called chakras, are throughout our bodies with seven main ones running up the spine.  Knowing how to move and feed our bodies, and well as listen to the signs of needed attention, help us continuously balance all of our systems (immune, endocrine, nervous, etc.). Bringing our attention to our bodies from the solar plexus down to our toes (