Powers Hour

How to Become a Media Celebrity with Josh Elledge



Josh Elledge is the Founder and Chief Executive Angel of SavingsAngel.com®, and is one of the nation’s leading experts on consumer savings. Josh is a weekly syndicated newspaper columnist – reaching more than 1.1 million readers. He also regularly appears on more than 75 TV stations across the country – having appeared on TV or radio more than 1500 times. upendPR provides step-by-step video coaching, live training, direct access to over 1 million media contacts, media monitoring for ongoing story-ideas, agency-level journalist inquiry monitoring, ongoing pitch creation, and impactful consulting for entrepreneurs and startups seeking to exponentially increase sales & traffic. Josh lives in Orlando, FL and is a US Navy veteran, a dad of 3 awesome kids, and is a self-proclaimed fitness geek. Josh will be revealing all his best step-by-step strategies to become a media celebrity in this Podcast and for additional information, you can connect with Josh via his website: http://upendpr.com/ or on Twitter @JoshEl