Dr. Carol Francis

Child Sexual Abuse by Priests, Coaches, Teachers & Neighbors



  Sexual Abuse Awareness Week- "Child Sexual Abuse is nothing new. It remains horrifically part of our "enlightened society."  Whenever children innocently and vunlerably need adult attention, opportunistic adults may "groom" children in their care to become unwilling, manipulated sexual partners.  Parents, remain alert especially when childcare or extra-curricular activities afford adult sexual predators access to lure clueless, trusting children into private locations," explains Dr. Carol Francis. James R Dunlap, author of Millstone, a thrilling, fast paced, important novel about child sexual abuse, is a parent himself riveted with the damage his son suffered at the hands of a Catholic priest.   During Sexual Abuse Awareness Week, November 26, 2012, James Dunlap and dedicated supporters release Millstone (The Novel) to reveal these sexual predators and to save children from becoming their next victims.   Joelle Casteix joins the program today also as the  leading national spokesperson, writer, and advoca