Z2 Podcast: Comic Books & Pop Culture

Episode 20 - What Writers Write Best



In this week's episode, we manage to find things to talk about after a very slow news week post SDCC, which makes sense since all of the big announcements were last week. We do have some speculation though from Gail Simone and Kieron Gillen about what they could be writing next for DC and/or Marvel as they have both talked about on social media recently about how they're writing a new superhero book. Our discussion this week to go along with that is what we think a writer does best at, such as how Geoff Johns is excellent at internal narration or how Jame Tynion writes the Batfamily as a collective whole. We also forgot to do our picks this week so go check out the new teams on Nightwing and Batgirl that came out this last week! As always you can follow us on Facebook, and twitter @z2podcast so you don't miss any updates or extras from us, and be sure to give us a rating/review wherever you're listening from. Thanks everyone enjoy episode 20!