Women Camp

Get Ready to Launch: SET - Setting expectations with pitfalls, triggers triumphs



Setting yourself up for success!   “Expectations are dangerous when they are both too high and unformed.”  ? Lionel Shriver, We must set our expectations, keeping in mind the pitfalls and triggers that impact our triumphs.  Too many people prefer to lower their expectations or walk in a life of no expectations. Those who do this find themselves right where they expected—no where. As women who are on a mission to launch into our destiny, we must both set expectations and manage them.  Setting expectations gives us the target to shoot for. Managing those expectations helps us to identify the pitfalls that can derail our journey and the the triggers that may hinder or accelerate our progress toward triumph. In the process of fulfilling our expectations, we will face setbacks and times of disappointment. If we’ve taken the time to anticipate and plan for those moments, we can minimize their impact on our journey to success. Ladies, living intentionally includes setting and managing expectations for our lives.