Women Camp

Springing Forward Fearlessly pt5



Join the conversation with Servola, Dr. Charlene, Samantha, and Tricia on today's broadcast as we discuss new life in our fearless journey pursuing our destiny.  April is a month of new beginnings. Biblically, we celebrate Christ's resurrection. In nature, we see the revitalization of life. Plant life that lay dormant during the winter begins to bud, showing signs of new life.  The program has been amazing this month.  During the first broadcast, we discussed your BBP - your Bounce Back Power.  In our last two broadcasts we talked about how, as anointed women, we need to ROAR.  We discussed taking responsibility for and ownership of our situation and destiny, as well as, learning to be accountable for our actions and being willing to accept the rewards of our success.  This month we truly are  discussing this season of springing forward with new vigor and excitement.  This week, we will bring it all together, as we summarize the main points and impacting stories of the entire month.  So ladies, what are you d