Redefine™ With Host Robb Braun

Get Inspired!



We all have times in our businesses or while in pursuit of other life endeavors when we lack the fire that keeps us going most of the time.  Now, if you don’t even know what that fire is, chances are you’re going after something that is far more important to others than to you.  But if you do know the fire, then you know there are times when it’s not burning as ’hot’ as usual.  Those are the times when we need to get inspired again.  Tune in! PS - It's halftime!  Where are you on your goals at the halfway mark.  It's time to get re-inspired and turn up the heat! we go!  I have never been more excited to be of service to you and your success in life.  Leading Life Large and I will be completely committed to helping you to achieve success in every endeavor and every aspect  of your life.  I am committed to bringing my game to my highest level possible and give you everything I've got so that you get everything you need to bust out and live a phenomenal life.  Let's go for it...I mean really go for