Redefine™ With Host Robb Braun

Success is Your Obligation to Others



  Leading LIFE Large - Though we are ultimately alone in the universe, we seek human connection.  And because we are in connection with others, we are in a position most days to model for others our expression of life.  Like it or not, once you understand the power you have to influence others in your life, your have an obligation to them to model success and live your life large.  Tune in! we go!  I have never been more excited to be of service to you and your success in life.  Leading Life Large and I will be completely committed to helping you to achieve success in every endeavor and every aspect  of your life.  I am committed to bringing my game to my highest level possible and give you everything I've got so that you get everything you need to bust out and live a phenomenal life.  Let's go for it...I mean really go for it and see what happens.  To your 'unreasonable' success! - Robb we go!  I have never been more excited to be of service to you and your success in life.  Leadin