Redefine™ With Host Robb Braun

Leading Life Large™ - Success - Stand Pat or Step It Up



Leading Life Large™ - Many of us have experienced success in different aspects of our lives. You may have had incredible business success, starting one or more companies and leading them to financial 'fitness', for example. Or maybe you found that perfect life partner who completely satisfies your romantic wants and needs. These and other examples are all wonderful things to have accomplished or succeeded at or fulfilled in life. Great! Now, what about the rest of your life? Are you really living life as large as you can? Do you love every part of your life or is something missing? Is there passion in your life and is that passion supported by others? Are you living life full on or are there still areas you avoid, don't know how to succeed in or feel pain around. You could choose to stand pat with your accomplishments up to now and simply live your semi-successful mediocre life or you could step up your game and really go for it at a level bigger than ever. Stand pat or STEP IT UP? Play it safe or GO FOR IT?