Redefine™ With Host Robb Braun

Leading Life Large™ - Dare to be Bold! ***Note Next Week's New Time***



***Note Next Week's New Time""" Leading Life Large™ - Being bold scares the crap out of most has me. Even the word 'BOLD' is a bold word, the word "DARE' a daring word. Daring to be bold requires fearlessness (we'll talk about what that means) and courage beyond what we think we can muster up. Bold is daring to be bigger than we imagine we are. Bold is so scary that most people will forgo it because they don't know if they can survive it. Think I'm kidding? Look at the list of common fears - public speaking trumps death! The consequences though of not be being bold in your business, relations, health, etc. are tragic - safe, mediocre, just good enough, blah and boring - and the list goes on. I'd choose death over any of these and if you listen in, I'll share with you what bold is and how to embrace if for yourself - IF YOU DARE!