For You Leaders - Business And Leadership Podcast Featuring Kirk Dando

Make HR a strategic partner in the C-Suite



What comes to mind when you hear human resources? A lot of us think about rule enforcers, 401k administration or resolving vacation time issues. HR can - and should- be so much more. Human resources can be an asset to drive the company's goals. HR can be a true strategic partner and asset within the C-Suite. Does that sound like your HR team? Today’s podcast is a short interview that reminds us of the powerful possibilities of a different type of HR. Our guest is Ryan Robinson, the Chief People Officer (CPO) of Bazaarvoice. Ryan is unlike any other HR professional you’ve ever met (his title doesn’t even have “HR” in it). Just like a salesperson has a clear thought process and strategy around sales, or a product manager thinks about how they manage product, Ryan has a very clear process around how approaches people. He’ll share his Pillars of People Performance in this episode and you’ll quickly see he approaches people in a unique way. Compare this to your HR team. If you shared this interview with them - wha