Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Alcoholism: Truck Driving Disability



The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has filed a lawsuit against Old Dominion Freight for removing a driver from his driving duties, after he admitted to fears of an alcoholism relapse.  The EEOC has stated that the driver is a "qualified individual with a disability under ADA, who can perform the essential functions of a driving position."   While we applaud the driver for handling his problem with professional responsibility, why should the motor carrier be punished for their responsibility to highway and public safety?  Where does the defintion of "Disability" end?  Should sleep apnea be considered a disability?  What about drug use?  Should these be labeld as disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act?  The EEOC proudly proclaims that they, "Enforce  federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination, including disability and  retaliation discrimination."  Yet, they ignore the retaliation measures used against truck drivers via the DAC report.  Is not "Safety First" the motto thi