Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Is Law Enforcement Abusing the Trucking Industry CSA?



With states strapped for cash and communities hit hard by the current economic situation, trucking companies and drivers are finding themselves being ticketed for petty violations that have nothing to do with safety.  Has the CSA always been about generating cash for the states? Truck drivers have reported being cited by law enforcement officers during roadside inspections for not retrieving their eLogs fast enough.  One driver, stopped at a DOT scale, could not hear the officer's instructions, so he unbuckled his seat belt to lean out the window to hear better.  The officer then told him to pull around the lot for an inspection and after doing so, was given a ticket for not wearing his seat belt.  The recent government shutdown in Minnesota has left the state hurting even more financially and drivers are reporting that law enforcement are hitting truckers hard for any kind of petty violation they can conjure up.  Are state law enforcement agencies abusing the CSA?   Was the CSA really about safety or a way t