Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Cross Border Trucking Agreement - NAFTA Final Chapter



United States and Mexico Transportation Secretaries Ray LaHood and  Dionisio Pérez-Jácome signed the three-year memorandum for the cross border trucking deal on July 6th, 2011based on an earlier agreement in March by Presidents Barack Obama and Felipe Calderón.  So what does this really mean for the American truck driver and the security of the United States?  Jami Jones, is the Senior Editor of LandLine Magazine, the official publication of the Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA), and a 20-year plus veteran journalist who has worked in the trucking media for over a decade.  Jami joins us as our special guest to discuss what impact truckers could face under the recently signed NAFTA cross border trucking agreement, and what it means for the U. S. trucking industry.