Passive Real Estate Investing

136 - Tracking Your Income And Expenses On Autopilot with Heath Silverman



Like any business venture, the ability to be able to track the performance and success or failure of your rental properties with a good system is vital. For some of us, that means tracking everything in a spreadsheet or maybe even QuickBooks or TurboTax. Whatever the case may be, keeping good records of your financials will help you secure future funds as well as keep excellent records for tax purposes. After years of frustration around the lack of technology available to the individual investor, Heath Silverman was inspired to streamline the entire real estate ownership life cycle. Heath is a part-time real estate investor and the CEO of Stessa, a software platform that gives millions of real estate investors a powerful new way of managing and tracking their income and expenses as well as communicating the performance of their real estate assets. He talks about that in this episode.Episode show notes: