Passive Real Estate Investing

Investing As A Working Professional with Lane Kawaoka | PREI 107



Go to school, study hard, get a good job. That’s the linear path that a lot of people start on. After getting an engineering degree, Lane Kawaoka started working in the day job as a construction supervisor and bought a house pretty quickly. But he was never home because he was traveling all the time for work, so he started renting his home out. Realizing how much passive cash flow he was able to pull from that got him started into real estate investing as a working professional. He currently has a portfolio of eleven single-family homes in places like Seattle, Birmingham, Atlanta, Indianapolis, and Pennsylvania. He's also a partner in a syndication that controls currently over 1,300 apartment and RV units. Lane has made it a mission to help people get off the corrupt Wall Street roller coaster and focus on main street investments with safer, higher returns that benefit the American middle class.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit