Passive Real Estate Investing

From Zero to 35 Rentals in 4 Years – A Client Success Story | PREI 097



Having a plan of action is one thing, but sticking to that plan is another. Most investors lose motivation when they see a task that is too big for them to do. But Anton Ivanov had a clear vision of his goals. When his tasks where bigger than he can handle, he broke it down to smaller pieces. Anton inherited a condo and became an accidental landlord but then saw that turnkey investments is great for starting investors who want to go out of state. Now he owns 35 rental units across four states that generates passive cash flow. Anton shares his stories of beginnings and how he got his confidence in the real estate investment world. — I have an interesting episode because I have a special guest, but he’s more than a guest. He’s actually a past client. This guy has really impressed me. The reason is because he set out to acquire real estate and build a portfolio. He set some goals and he made a plan. Not only did he execute on his plan but he stuck to it. He stuck to it in a way that he actually surprised me. I g