
Alter / Altar



Welcome to ALTER, hosted by Nicole Meline. This podcast explores the practice of transformation as a conversation between hustle and flow Altering – changing, growing, becoming And Altaring – offering, surrendering, opening to divine conspiracy   Here are adventures in alignment and conspiracy, awake to all the grit, dirt, and complexity of our world, alert to the graces that come alongside the struggle, the hustle. A cocktail of soul food, new rhythms, and street wisdom. Encouragement – an infusion of courage – for the moments you need it most.   In episode 1, we ask: Where does Hustle meet Flow? Where does performance, with its exhausting hunger, meet hibernation and restoration? Where does work meet grace? Confidence meet vulnerability? Focus meet openness and curiosity? Drive meet play? Alter with an ‘e’ and Altar with an ‘a’? How to become a joyful warrior for justice, peace, and your creative work? How to grow and build at the pace of integrity and joy? How to honor set-backs, revisions?   The next epis